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Implementing Enterprise Integration Patterns with Apache Camel

There may be no harder task than implementing enterprise integrations between disparate systems, including those outside your organization’s control. A set of integration patterns has emerged to help understand common scenarios. Apache Camel implements those patterns, making defining Message routes easy. In a sense, Apache Camel is an inversion of control framework for message routing much like core Spring is an inversion of control framework for bean collaborations.

Camel supports configuring dozens of endpoint types, including internal direct web service endpoints, Amazon Web Services (AWS) endpoints, file and FTP end points, JMS endpoints and many more. It also makes mocking and testing endpoints easy to reduce test fragility.

In this talk, we start with a brief introduction to Enterprise Integration Patterns and messaging, then built up increasingly complex routes to a variety of endpoints.

We then explored methods for working with messages during the routing. We show how to combine multiple messages, split messages into multiple parts, and transform messages from one form to another using single threads and then with the concurrency built into Camel.

We also explore Camel’s facilities for testing of routes and processors.


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