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Objistics consulting brings more than 30 years of software development experience to help you design, develop, and deliver great applications for your business or for your clients. From architecture to infrastructure, we have you covered.

We provide three types of consulting support:

  • Application Development
  • Staff Augmentation
  • Candidate Screening
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At Objistics, we’re passionate about acquiring knowledge on modern software development methodologies, practices, languages, and tools. We work to coalesce what we’ve learned into a cohesive story that we can share in articles, presentations, and webinars. We offer free and affordable workshops and classes you can easily consume and apply immediately in your project.

We provide a range of training possibilities tailored to your needs:

  • Online.
  • In-person at our facility
  • In-person at your facility
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We love to do community outreach at Objistics.

Our founder has formed and operated several user groups over the years. The first was Gateway JUG, formed in 1999. His latest is the St. Louis Serverless Meetup.

He also has been a regional, national, and internation speaker at developer conferences. In years past, he was a regular speaker on the excellent No Fluff Just Stuff tour.

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